About Us

History of RibengUni

Mr. Suz Moriz said that……………..

When I study in School, from that I’m to interest to Chakma Script. I plan to work on Chakma Script. After 3-6 years hard working I have been successful in the attempt. In 2011 at about January, first I meet with Mr. Jyoti Chakma via in Facebook. After meeting with Mr. Jyoti , we’ve discussed with our Chakma Script & Website. I think is very good idea for us. Then, Mr. Jyoti Chakma studies at DIU in B.Sc in CSC Final years.

Most time we were talking about our Script in various purposes. How can we input it in computing system? How can we develop it? We works hard, and day by day we’ve improved the Chakma Font & created an ASCII Chakma Font named “Alaam“. Now it is using all over Chakma’s community for their requirement. We developed some website & Chakma Font that is now running on available our site: www.hilledu.com. We discuss & post our requirement in the Facebook. Most people see it & they request us to develop the Chakma Unicode Font.

From then we begin to take necessary step for the valuable initiative effort. We ask a question about the Unicode at Unicode Consortium. We’ve consulted many IT Expert of Microsoft Corporation, Fontlab Ltd etc. They suggest & guide lines us many point about the Unicode & developing of Unicode Chakma Font. We work jointly the developing of Unicode Chakma Font & Chakma Keyboard Layout. At last, we are successful in the effort.

We’ve established a new website for “RibengUni’ is https://uni.hilledu.com. Here we upload all of discussion of Chakma Unicode Font & Keyboard Layout. We share out it for all & absolutely free!

We hope that not only most of Chakma community but also many human beings are benefited from the site. We are overconfident of it. We are the first & only the authority that developed Chakma Unicode Font & Keyboard Layout. In this regards, Banajogichara Kishore Kishori Kallyan Samity helps us with 130 US$. Special thanked to BKKKS.

In future, we are hard requested the rich person or, any donor to help us for encouraging the attempt. Best of luck. May God bless us.

